Human Nature
In the Technological Age

CRISPR is a controversial technology capable of editing genomes. The Human Nature film focuses on the ethics of its implementation, with a journalistic style that invites lay audiences into the debate. The website’s bold, clear design provides intuitive paths for fans and supporters to host or promote film screenings and be ambassadors in their communities.

Artfully Produced
Educational Videos

Wonder Collaborative’s short films explore the history and grandeur of science with 21st-century storytelling. Impactful imagery and a warm conversational human touch – not talking heads in a lecture hall. Their website is designed to match, with an immersive full-width theater-like experience, and a focus on imagery and ease of use to invite lay viewers into complex human stories at the heart of scientific endeavor.

Science Filmmaking

Wonder Collaborative’s mission to set a new artistic standard for science storytelling goes beyond the launch of Human Nature. Through institutional partnerships, grants, and fundraising, they seek to fund and distribute short films, and seed more future length documentaries. We love contributing to these efforts, and designing a website that can appeal to video viewers, individual supporters, and institutional partners alike.